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Healthy School Lunch Tips

August 1, 2018

Filed under: Dental Tips — Tags: , , , , , — lobodds @ 7:27 am

It’s that time of year again. Time to go school clothes shopping, buy school supplies, and pick out that most important piece of back-to-school equipment – a cool, new lunchbox!

While your child is more concerned about the look of the outside of his or her lunchbox, as a parent, you are more concerned with what will go inside it. Figuring out how to fill it daily, weekly, and monthly with healthy foods your child will actually eat once they are at school can be challenging. Most kids are not inclined to pass up the chips, pop, candy, and processed foods that can often make up the usual lunch fare for school-going children. So, what can you do?


Vaping – Is it Safe?

July 2, 2018

Filed under: Dental Tips — Tags: , , , , , , — lobodds @ 8:24 am

It seems like everywhere you go nowadays you see someone vaping. That large, white, cloud of steam escaping from their mouth and floating around their head is a common sight. Vaping has been around for many years, but it’s only been in the last few years that its popularity and use has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry.

Why is vaping so popular and just how safe is it for your health?

Vaping 101

Vaping involves inhaling vapor from a small cylinder (similar in size and shape to a cigarette) filled with chemicals and flavors. The vaping pipe has a heating element built in it that changes the liquid in the pipe to steam.


The Secrets Behind Making Your Age Just a Number

June 1, 2018

Filed under: Dental Tips — lobodds @ 8:00 am

You don’t feel your age, so why should you look your age? Ask almost anyone over the age of 40 to tell you what people guess their age to be. On average, it’s seven to 10 years younger than their actual, biological age. Do you know what that means? Our sense of age is changing. It’s in your power to redefine the stereotypes of your generation. Grandmothers aren’t in their rocking chairs knitting sweaters and baking cookies all day. They’re on their hands and knees with their grandchildren, cooking healthy meals, taking care of themselves, and feeling great! You can make your age just a number too.

We’ve researched the best ways to stay young at heart and keep the hands of time from turning.


How to Create an Emergency Preparedness Kit for Your Family

May 14, 2018

Filed under: Dental Tips — lobodds @ 8:00 am

It’s a sobering fact of life that many of us will at some time have to deal with a major disaster. A fire, flood, tornado, earthquake, or hurricane can cause serious or even devastating damage.

Having an emergency preparedness kit is the smart thing to do. But what should you pack in your kit? Here are some important tips from some leading emergency management organizations.

What to pack

There are some basic things that you should have packed and ready in a “Go Bag” in case you need to evacuate your area. When it comes to food and water, packing at least a 3-day supply for each member of the family is recommended. Keep these supplies in something easy to carry such as a backpack (you could pack one for each member of the family) or bucket or plastic tub and keep it someplace everyone can access.


Would You Be Able to Recognize Oral Cancer?

April 13, 2018

Filed under: Dental Tips — lobodds @ 8:00 am

Oral cancer is deadly and it’s on the rise! Smoking and drinking alcohol can put you at high risk for developing this cancer, but there are many who are not a part of this “high risk” group who have also been affected by it.

Would you know how to recognize oral cancer symptoms? Why is early detection important? Our blog post will give you the vital information you need to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Early detection is life-saving!

According to AAOMS (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons), oral cancer kills nearly one person every hour of every day of the year! And the reason why the death rate for this kind of cancer remains particularly high is that it is routinely discovered late in its development.

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